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"Never pray for justice, because you might get some."


- Margaret Atwood

Psycho-legal Assessments 

Giada Del Fabbro Interview with Carte Bl

Psycho-legal Assessments

I was originally drawn to the psycho-legal field by my interest in the intersection of psychology and criminal behaviour. My work has expanded since then but psycho-legal evaluations still form a substantial part of my practice with a focus on criminal responsibility and capacity assessments, evaluations in cases where there is a charge or allegations of sexual abuse, as well as victim impact assessments.

Psycho-legal Assessments I perform

Criminal capacity and responsibility

 This involves psychological evaluations in criminal matters where I assess whether the perpetrator is able to differentiate right from wrong and was able to act based upon this knowledge at the time of the crime.


Sexual abuse

If there is suspicions that a minor is being sexually abused or if a charge of sexual abuse as already been laid at the police, I can evaluate the minor child and assess the extent of the abuse as well as make recommendations for interventions and treatment going forward. These evaluations also involve the alleged perpetrator if this is known and assess the probability that sexual abuse has taken place and whether it is plausible that the identified perpetrator could have committed such a crime, especially when there is a lack of physical evidence to either confirm or deny such charges.


Victim impact assessments

In cases where a crime has been committed, I am able to compile a victim impact assessment to indicate the psychological damages of the crime to the victim. This can then be used for sentencing purposes with regards to consideration of aggravating circumstances by the Court.

How I can work with you

I generally work with you in these matters if you are the victim or perpetrator of a crime and approach me directly, if you are a lawyer and need an evaluation for your client or if you are involved in such a matter in an organizational capacity and require assistance. Through a combination of methods that include interviews, psychometric testing and consultation with collateral sources of information, I am able to assess the areas detailed above and make recommendations with regards to sentencing or diversion as well as the probability and extent of psychological damages caused in sexual abuse cases with recommendations with regards to treatment, and interventions necessary. All of my findings and procedures are detailed in a report that can be submitted to the Court and on which I am able to testify.

Expert testimony examples

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